It’s been a whee long time since I updated you on news about my graphic novel of H.G. Wells’ THE WAR OF THE WORLDS, and I’m sorry! But that’s about to change, since I have two good news for you:
The first is that the book got a new run in Germany! I’m so happy about the continuing fondness the readers seem to have for my comic adaption of that timeless classic. A huge THANK YOU to everyone who bought and will buy this book! Yourt support really means EVERYTHING to me!
The second is that there will finally be a reading concert for the graphic novel again next year! Yay! I’m really looking forward to it, and we (the musician and I) are already working hard on revising the concept, because we gave the last reading concert for this comic shortly before the pandemic. We want to include even more in the reading than before and extend it a little. It’s a lot of fun and I can finally read this comic again while Jörg improvises music live – we’ve performed 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA many times since the pandemic, but not WAR OF THE WORLDS. That’s why I’m happy about the revival of our reading concert for that book! We will announce where and when we are doing the concert here as soon as an advance notice makes sense. Stay tuned!