Glad to announce the French edition of my WAR OF THE WORLDS graphic novel! The book comes out the 2nd July in France from Éditions Jungle (ISBN 978-2-822-2351-0) and in a version with colors by Xavi M. Montell.
I think he did a great job by adding colors to the original black and white (with sepia hues) version. The time in which the story is set gets emphasized by a bit desaturated colors, not without setting some accents here and there. I‘m happy how it turned out!
The format is a bit bigger than the original german one, but it works well and after all was possible due to my habit of drawing enough ‚flesh‘ around panels that are meant to be cutted by page borders. 🙂
Some basic infos again here:
La Guerre des Mondes
Editions Jungle
paraîtra le 2 Juillet 2020
ISBN: 978-2-822-2351-0