Valérian and Laureline: Hommage (Carlsen Comics)


Published by Carlsen Comics

Authors/Illustrators (among others): Christophe Blain, Blutch, Matthieu Bonhomme, André Juillard, Thilo Krapp, 24 € (D), HC, 94 p.

ISBN: 978-3-551-73633-8

With VALÉRIAN AND LAURELINE, Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières have created the most important science fiction series in European comics (it was adapted into film by Luc Besson in 2017). In honor of the authors, short stories and illustrations by over 30 well-known illustrators and authors are printed in this volume. My 5-pages contribution to the anthology pays tribute to the classic adventure ‘On the False Earths’ from 1977 and plays with Valérian and Veronique’s character dynamics. Drawing them both myself was a very special experience, and I was of course happy to be able to contribute something here, because I absolutely devoured the series as a child and teenager. Thank you, Carlsen Verlag!