Published by moses. publishing house
Written by Tobias Bungter/Andrea Köhrsen, illustrated by Thilo Krapp, set of 50 cards + a leporello in a box, 7,95 € (D)
Art.-Nr.: 30240
‘When are we there?’ ‘What shall we do today?’ ‘I’m so bored!’ If you hear that a lot, then you have to come up with an idea quickly. The 50 card sets never run out of ideas. Tips, tricks, games and quizzes against boredom are collected on 50 cards on a wide variety of topics. Whether on vacation, in case of illness, on a trip or at school, the 50 card sets can be taken almost anywhere thanks to the handy box. In this card set, the junior detective learns how to secure clues, set traps for burglars, see through liars and observe unobtrusively. Train your powers of observation, develop unbreakable secret codes and tinker your own detective equipment!
I did several illustrations as well as the package design for this card set.
Thilo Krapp · Atelier
Biedenkopfer Straße 2
13507 Berlin
Phone (030) 69 00 10 06
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