February 19th, 4:00 – 6:00 pm, Johanneskirche Frohnau (social hall), Zeltinger Platz 18, 13465 Berlin
New year, new events! On Sunday, February 19th, the musician Jörg Walter and I will be
giving a reading concert based on my graphic novel 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA (Carlsen
Comics) in the large social hall of the Johanneskirche in Berlin-Frohnau!
In the reading concert we will take you on a journey into the fantastic underwater world of Jules Verne: while the images from the graphic novel are playing before your eyes, I will read excerpts from the comic based on Jules Verne’s famous classic to live music improvisations and I will let the adventures of Captain Nemo and his passengers come alive for you together with Jörg. Afterwards I’ll give a small workshop report about how I worked on the graphic novel and in this way give insights into the work of a comic artist, and I’ll be happy to sign your copies of the book at the book table in the great comic book store Modern Graphics.
So come to Frohnau on February 19th – to our musical reading under the sea! Admission is free, but the parish will be happy about donations: In the Corona time, they maintained their usual extensive program of events with great effort, but stepped away from entrance fees, which is why the coffers of this church are not too full either.