YOUNG DETECTIVES – Curse of the Black Gold


(…) Of course, the four of them don’t hesitate and start investigating. A really tricky first case for those clever Young Detecttives!

Kilifü 2021

Published by EDEL KIDS BOOKS

Written by Andreas Schlüter, illustrated by Thilo Krapp, book cover by Max Meinzold, 12,99 (D), HC, 272 p.

ISBN: 978-3-96129-210-3

Isabel, Seo-Yun, Daniel und Paul are pupils of the Leonardo-Da-Vinci boarding school for highly talented kids. When strange occurrencies happen – involving a drone, the caretaker going missing and the discovery of a hidden room inside the school –  they band together as the YOUNG DETECTIVES and investigate. Gradually, they uncover a conspiracy that threatens the very existence of their school!

A tricky first ase for the YOUNG DETECTIVES – and a thrilling entertainment for readers and future investigators 9+!

I made several black and white interior illustrations for this first volume of YOUNG DETECTIVES. The wonderful cover is by the great Max Meinzold. The series was continued in April 2022 with the second volume, ‘The mysterious Doppelganger’.